H 2,60 m
gallery 89, paris, France
The asymmetrical composition of characters makes echo of sprawling tubes evoking the roots of a tree. The last means negative (Yin), the first means positive (Yang). They create a harmony as if all the elements of the universe are a pair between the negative (Yin) and the positive (Yang). Taegeuk (Taïchi in Chinese), absolute greatness, signifies the source of this principle. The curved line of the Taegeuk connotes the permanent movement and vitality. However, the negative (Yin) is never pure negative because it contains more or less the positive (Yang). As well as the positive (Yang) is never pure positive (Yang). Because the principles, negative (Yin) and positive (Yang), are not a determining world, it is a relative system where always exist two lenses that look at each other. The negative (Yin) and the positive (Yang) are two reciprocal forces that apply to all elements. The absolute negative only exists in theory, in reality it does not exist. Likewise for the positive absolute.
Thus, we could imagine that the shadows cast by the characters are the negative (Yin) in the positive (Yang). In the composition of this installation, the positive (Yang) evokes ascension, while the negative (Yin) evokes the descent.